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Feng Shui in New York City

Our environment gives us the energy to push through each day. Even though we often ignore it, it is a significant factor that affects how we function as humans, and sometimes we wonder why things have seemingly not gone the way they should.

We question why we are stuck up in the same place without progressing. Well, the solution for most cases begins with more attention to the things surrounding us and channeling our energy ― Feng Shui

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What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui goes beyond how you decorate your space; it is an ancient Chinese philosophy that explains energy flow and how we can harness it to improve human lives. Our environment needs to align with our goals for more productivity, better relationships, a good state of mind, and lots more.

FengShui is a more recent term from the older Chinese concept of ‘Ham Yu,’ meaning wind and water. Wind and water are among the elements of feng shui that channel good energy. At Firebird, we offer a holistic approach to life changes, incorporating not only Feng Shui but also traditional Chinese medicine practices. We have Feng Shui Masters trained to incorporate missing natural elements into your homes, offices, relationships, health conditions, and businesses.

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The Five Elements in Feng Shui

The Feng Shui elements are life’s building blocks and are naturally present around us. Ancient Chinese Feng Shui explains that these five elements work together for our good to produce positive energy, but sometimes their effect could be destructive. These elements align with different human personalities, so finding the correct elements that go with your personality becomes vital. Let’s have a look below.

Water element: water is an essential element necessary for our survival. It is represented by wavy shape objects, the number 1, the color black or blue, and the north direction. Incorporating this energy brings intelligence and inspiration but can lead to fear if not done appropriately.

Wood energy: wood in our space signifies stability and creativity, but the negative aspect can represent competition and discord. We can incorporate this element by using green color objects, trees, the east direction, numbers 3,4, and rectangular shapes.

Earth element: this is represented by a square shape, brown color, number 2,5,8, and central direction. The earth signifies stability and flexibility.

Metal element: using metals results in more concentration and self-discovery. It is represented by mirrors, round shapes, silver or gold color, the west direction, and the number 6,7. If not used correctly can lead to restriction of freedom.

Fire element: fire is represented by red or purple color, rectangular shape, number 9, pictures of the sun, candles, and many more. It is the most powerful, bringing in more activity and energy.

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
― Lao Tzu ―

How a Feng Shui Consultation Can Help

Feng Shui entails more than trying to match your interiors with personal aesthetics. It requires a professional touch, so you must book a consultation with a Feng Shui Expert. People often shy away from booking a consultant because of the cost of changing furniture ― This is, in fact, false because feng shui makes use of natural elements that are free and available.

Here are some specific advantages of using a Feng Shui consultant. 

  • They identify individual personality types and use the right element to match accordingly. 
  • Use of luopan compass to determine the particular feng shui elements missing in your home
  • They properly combine these missing elements to produce a balanced and harmonious life.
NYC feng shui expert

Home feng shui

Feng shui for apartments involves every part of the house because they all signify different energy. Every detail is crucial, from the front door to the living room, kitchen, bedroom, hallway, and bathrooms. Right from the front door, a feng shui home should welcome you with a good energy flow. 

Feng shui business

Your work environment primarily reflects what your business stands for. Feng shui business works for all types, whether online or physical, and it is also not dependent on the size of the company. 

Some advantages of using feng shui for your business include the following:

  • It creates a suitable work environment, increasing productivity and motivation.
  • The right environment attracts potential high-end clients. 
  • Creates the right ambiance for customers who walk into your space
  • Most importantly, feng shui for wealth is a popular aspect of the corporate world that increases sales and profits.

Feng shui loveTo get love, you need to signal to the universe that you’re ready for it, and it begins with you paying attention to core environmental details. Once the universe senses that you’re prepared to let someone into your heart, it will happen in no time. 

Here are some tips of Feng Shui for love and marriage  

  • Begin by loving yourself in the best way
  • Declutter and clean your space
  • Incorporate a good smell
  • Decorate your space with artwork that projects love and peace.  
  • Invest in your looks to attract the right people. 
  • Use a soft color to increase sexual energy and the correct flow.  
  • Place your bed in the center to create space on both sides. 

Feng shui healthCreating a balanced environment reflects your general state of health. Using an accurate feng shui compass helps us find the directions that are in tune with different body parts and organs. If there is discordance in that area, it affects the related body parts. 

Feng shui for good health enables you to pay attention to these areas and fix any form of disharmony. The following are the direction and their corresponding body parts.

  • South: heart 
  • Southwest: stomach and womb
  • West: mouth
  • Northwest: head
  • North: kidneys and ears
  • Northeast: arms
  • East: feet and legs 
  • Southeast: back and spine 
  • Center, also known as Tai Chi, signifies the general state of health

Office feng shuiFor offices, you don’t necessarily have to buy furniture; you can start with what you have.

Some important things to consider are:

  • Position of your desk and other furniture too. They should be attached to the wall to give a power position, 
  • For a feng shui office, you should make use of symbols and objects that align with your goal
  • Add colors that promote mental clarity and focus. 
  • 30 Min By Phone
  • For New Clients
2 Hours Session
$ 170
  • Feng Shui
  • Consultation
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Benefits of Feng Shui in New York City

The benefits of Feng Shui cosultation cut across all areas of life. When you use the Feng Shui rules appropriately, there’s no doubt you will experience the following benefits:

  • Positive energy
  • Peace in your home 
  • Increases motivation and driving force
  • A physically healthy body and mind 
  • Positive mindset
  • Increased productivity
  • More ambition 
  • More financial turnout 
  • Better relationships

Feng Shui Consultant in New York, NY

Maria Gorens - Practitioner of Chinese Medicine in NYC

Maria Gorens

25 years experience


  • Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York
  • Japanese Acupuncture Course with T.Koei Kuwahara in New York
  • Tung’s Acupuncture Therapeutic System with Dr. Wei-Chieh Young
  • BTB Professional School of Feng Shui in New York, three-year degree
  • Face and Body Reading Course in New York with Master Dr.Edgar Sung

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NYC Feng Shui Consultant - Testimonials

“Maria is amazing! I had sustained a foot injury which caused chronic pain and limited my physical activity, I had seen several orthopedic specialists with no improvement. After just a few visits with Maria I began to feel much better. She has also administered treatment to my young son and he felt safe and comfortable under her care as well. She listens to her patients and administers treatment with expertise and most importantly with care and compassion for the individual.”
Maura Dinardo
“Maria is more than an acupuncturist, she is a holistic healer – working not only on our physical bodies but also nourishing the underlying emotional and spiritual realms that guide our lives. With ancient Chinese medicinal techniques, acute sensitivities, and uncommon wisdom, Maria helped to heal the pain in my body in a way western medicine may fall short. Indeed, she is unique, skilled, and powerful.”
Monique Vogelsang

Feng Shui Consultation at Firebird Acupuncture in New York, NY

Trying to get your environment to work in your favor by yourself isn’t the best idea; getting help from a Feng Shui Master ensures it is done appropriately. 

At Firebird, we have Feng Shui consultants, online and physical, that have studied how our environment can enhance our life using the critical elements of feng shui. 

NYC Feng Shui consultant, Maria Gorens, has a three-year degree from BTB Professional School of Feng Shui in New York. Maria traveled to China and Japan to study and practice Feng Shui with Masters of this ancient art of creating happy and healthy space for auspicious living. Maria has more than 25 years of experience in transforming domestic and professional spaces by offering practical solutions around the world.

Also at Firebird Maria offers traditional Chinese medicine services such as acupuncture, gua sha, cupping, moxibustion and Shinrin-Yoku.

Firebird Acupuncture

Feng Shui in New York City - FAQ

The Feng Shui consultant’s method of assessing the energy of the space is intuitive and  technical. He/Her possesses the unique ability to determine visible and invisible obstructions in the environment and is able to activate the dynamic forces of nature within clients home or business in order to enhance health, wealth, prosperity and attract loving relationships.

The fee for Feng Shui is set by Feng Shui practitioners based on the complicity and size of the job.

Appointment should be made before the initial Feng Shui Consultation.

Feng Shui can improve various aspects of your life, including your health, wealth, relationships, and overall well-being. By aligning your environment according to Feng Shui principles, you can enhance positive energy flow, which in turn can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

You can book a consultation by calling us at 917 453 98 45 or emailing We recommend booking at least two weeks in advance to ensure your preferred time slot.

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