Acupuncture for Allergies

Acupuncture is a traditional method used by many to help with various health issues, including allergies. It involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. This technique is thought to balance the body’s energy and could offer relief for allergy symptoms.

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    What are Allergies?

    Allergies happen when your body’s immune system reacts to something that’s usually harmless to most people, like pollen, dust, or certain foods. Think of your immune system as your body’s defense alarm. It’s always on the lookout for unwanted guests, like viruses or bacteria. But sometimes, it mistakes something safe, like a peanut or a pet’s dander, for a threat. When this happens, your body fights back by releasing chemicals, such as histamine, leading to symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, and watery eyes. 

    These reactions can range from mild annoyances to more serious, life-threatening conditions like anaphylaxis, a rapid, severe allergic response. The reasons why some people develop allergies and others don’t are not fully clear, but genetics and environmental factors seem to play a major role. Managing allergies often involves avoiding known triggers, taking medication to ease symptoms, undergoing a treatment for allergies like immunotherapy, or turning to natural remedies for allergies.

    natural allergy relief
    allergy symtoms

    What are Allergy Symptoms?

    Allergy symptoms can vary widely, depending on what you’re allergic to and how your body responds. Common signs include sneezing, itching, runny or blocked nose, and red, watery eyes. These are your body’s way of trying to get rid of or fight off what it thinks is a threat. Some people may experience skin reactions, such as rashes, hives, or eczema, when their skin comes into contact with an allergen.

    For those affected by seasonal allergy symptoms, changes in the environment, like pollen in the air during spring or fall, can trigger these uncomfortable reactions. These seasonal allergy symptoms are often more intense outdoors but can follow you inside, affecting your comfort and daily activities.

    In more severe cases, allergies can lead to asthma attacks, with symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. It’s important to identify what triggers your allergies to manage your symptoms effectively and keep your reactions under control.

    " A person is sick not when he has a disease, but a disease occurs when a person is sick "

    What Causes Allergies?

    Here are some common causes:

    • Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds
    • Dust mites, tiny bugs living in household dust
    • Animal dander, which are dead skin cells from pets
    • Mold spores, both indoors and outdoors
    • Foods, particularly nuts, shellfish, eggs, and dairy products
    • Insect stings, especially from bees and wasps
    • Medications, including some antibiotics and aspirin
    • Latex, found in some gloves and medical devices

    Each person’s triggers can be different, and while one might be allergic to pollen, another could have reactions to certain foods. Understanding and avoiding your specific triggers is one of the strategies to managing your allergy symptoms effectively.

    Types of Allergies

    Allergies are categorized based on how they enter the body, affecting individuals differently. For the sake of making it understandable, let’s divide them into three categories:

    • Airborne Allergies. These are triggered by substances that you breathe in through the nose and mouth. Usually it includes pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores. Once inhaled, these allergens can cause symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and coughing. Airborne allergies are often seasonal, peaking during certain times of the year when specific plants pollinate or when indoor allergens become more concentrated.
    • Topical Allergies. These occur when an allergen comes into direct contact with the skin, leading to a reaction. Ingredients in cosmetics, lotions, soaps, and even nickel in jewelry can trigger topical allergies. Symptoms include redness, itching, swelling, and in more severe cases, blisters or eczema. Avoiding the offending substance and using hypoallergenic products can help manage these reactions.
    • Internal Allergies. These result from ingesting certain foods, medications, or even insect stings that introduce allergens into the body internally. Common food allergies include nuts, shellfish, dairy, and eggs, while drug allergies can range from penicillin to aspirin. Symptoms can vary from mild, such as hives and stomach discomfort, to severe, like anaphylaxis – a rapid, life-threatening reaction, if not treated properly and in time. Managing internal allergies often involves strict avoidance of known allergens and carrying emergency medication, such as an epinephrine auto-injector.

    Understanding the type of allergy and its specific triggers is important for effective management and allergy treatments.

    What Helps With Allergies?

    Managing allergies often involves a mix of different approaches for the best result. Over-the-counter remedies like antihistamines and nasal sprays can provide quick relief for symptoms such as sneezing and itching. For those dealing with severe or persistent allergies, doctors might recommend immunotherapy, which involves regular shots to gradually reduce sensitivity to allergens. 

    Keeping your living environment clean, using air purifiers to remove allergens from the air, and staying indoors during high pollen counts can also help minimize exposure and ease symptoms. Some also explore alternative treatments like acupuncture for allergies to ease symptoms. 

    Dietary changes and avoiding known triggers, especially for food allergies, are important steps in preventing allergic reactions. Each person’s strategy might differ though, highlighting the importance of a personalized plan developed with a healthcare provider to achieve actual results.

    acupuncture points for allergies

    Reasons to Pursue Acupuncture for Allergy Relief

    Choosing acupuncture for allergy relief can be a good choice for several reasons. First, it offers a non-medical approach for those seeking alternatives to traditional medications, which might come with side effects or be less effective for some individuals. Acupuncture is based on the belief that it can help balance the body’s energy flow, reducing the intensity and frequency of allergy symptoms. Patients often report a general improvement in well-being and a decrease in the need for conventional allergy medications. 

    Moreover, acupuncture for allergy can be customized to address each individual’s specific allergies symptoms and triggers, thus providing a personalized approach rather than a generalized treatment. It’s also seen as a way to strengthen the immune system, making the body less reactive to allergens in the long run. Acupuncture may not be a cure-all, but it could complement an allergy treatment plan, especially for those seeking holistic options with minimal or no medical treatments and interventions.

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    Treating Allergies with Acupuncture at Firebird Acupuncture

    At Firebird Acupuncture, Maria Gorens offers a unique approach to treatments, focusing on the mix of acupuncture and allergies for holistic relief. With over 25 years of experience, Maria combines traditional Chinese medicine with an understanding of the body’s energy pathways to offer relief from allergy symptoms. Patients visiting Firebird Acupuncture can expect a calming environment, providing a peaceful setting for their acupuncture treatment. 

    The benefits of choosing acupuncture for allergy relief under Maria’s expertise include a reduction in common symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes, without relying heavily on pharmaceuticals that sometimes do more harm than good. Our method not only aims to ease discomfort but also seeks to balance the body’s energy by targeting specific acupuncture points for allergies, leading to long-term improvement in how the body responds to allergens. 

    Acupuncture with Maria at Firebird Acupuncture is a natural allergy relief, highly personalized allergy management, with all the attention on you and your health.

    acupuncture for allergy relief

    Our Services

    • 30 Min By Phone
    • For New Clients
    • By Video (Optional)
    1 Hour Session
    $ 120
    • Gua sha
    • Cupping therapy
    • Sliding cupping massage
    Health Package
    $ 1000
    • 10 Sessions
    • Treatment Plan
    • All Services Included

    Acupuncture for Allergies in NYC - FAQ

    Acupuncture helps allergies by stimulating specific points on the body to rebalance the flow of energy, known as Qi, and strengthen the immune system. This can reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms like congestion and itching, and improve overall well-being.

    The number of acupuncture sessions required for allergies varies depending on individual factors such as the severity of symptoms and overall health. Typically, a series of sessions is recommended to achieve lasting relief. Maria Gorens, at Firebird Acupuncture, will assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

    The duration of relief from acupuncture for allergies varies from person to person. Some may experience immediate relief, while others may require several sessions to achieve longer-lasting effects.

    To make an appointment with Firebird Acupuncture in New York City, you can call our office directly 917 453 98 45 or fill out our “Contact Us” form on our website.

    Acupuncturist in New York City

    best allergy relief

    Maria Gorens

    25 years experience


    • Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York
    • Japanese Acupuncture Course with T.Koei Kuwahara in New York
    • Tung's Acupuncture Therapeutic System with Dr. Wei-Chieh Young
    • BTB Professional School of Feng Shui in New York, three-year degree
    • Face and Body Reading Course in New York with Master Dr.Edgar Sung

    Acupuncture for Allergies in New York City - Testimonials

    “Maria is amazing! I had sustained a foot injury which caused chronic pain and limited my physical activity, I had seen several orthopedic specialists with no improvement. After just a few visits with Maria I began to feel much better. She has also administered treatment to my young son and he felt safe and comfortable under her care as well. She listens to her patients and administers treatment with expertise and most importantly with care and compassion for the individual.”
    Maura Dinardo
    “Maria is more than an acupuncturist, she is a holistic healer – working not only on our physical bodies but also nourishing the underlying emotional and spiritual realms that guide our lives. With ancient Chinese medicinal techniques, acute sensitivities, and uncommon wisdom, Maria helped to heal the pain in my body in a way western medicine may fall short. Indeed, she is unique, skilled, and powerful.”
    Monique Vogelsang

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